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- Articles
- Submited: January 6, 2022
Published: July 1, 2022
Background: Chronic alcohol consumption damages liver functions causing health problems. Because of the cold-environment, some adults in Chencha town are heavy consumers of strong local-Areki called “Katikala” (34.09% ABV). However, information concerning the impact of heavy” Katikala” intake on liver enzymes has not yet been explored.
Objective: To assess the impacts of chronic heavy “Katikala” intake on liver enzymes and secondly to see changes in percent of body fat level on adult subjects living in “Chencha” town and compare it with non-alcoholic controls.
Methodology: A group of 34-chronic heavy “Katikala” consumers were compared with 34 abstainers of comparable ages (mean age: 35 years). Information was obtained on the quantity and duration of alcohol consumed. Serum Aspartate transaminase, Alanine transaminase and Gamma Glutamyl transpeptidase levels were measured to standard laboratory procedures. Percent body fat (%BF) was recorded and SPSS (ver. 21software used to analyze data by taking p-value < 0.05 for declaring significance.
Results: Compared with abstainer controls, chronic “Katikala” consumers showed significantly higher Aspartate transaminase, Alanine transaminase and Gamma Glutamyl transpeptidase Serum levels with (p<0.001). Percent of body fat (%BF) was significantly lower in chronic drinkers than abstainers (p<0.001). AST to ALT ratio (> 2) was higher in chronic heavy drinkers than controls. Duration and quantity of “Katikala” consumption were uncorrelated with the concentration of Aspartate transaminase, Alanine transaminase and Gamma Glutamyl transpeptidase (p>0.05).
Conclusion: Subjects chronically consuming “Katikala” showed significantly raised serum Aspartate transaminase, Alanine transaminase and Gamma Glutamyl transpeptidase as well as lower percent body fat level compared with normal controls. Our data suggests the negative influence of “Katikala” consumption on liver function and as well as body weight affecting health.
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